Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Right Crew for the Job

On demolition day, things moved fast and furiously, but the first order of business was moving the last piece of furniture out of the living room, our upright piano that belonged to my Great Aunt Mary.  A ramp from the kitchen, down two steps into the garage, was quickly built out of scrap lumber and supported with chunks of concrete scrounged from the backyard.  The wooden planks were temporarily screwed into the floor.  The piano was pushed on its old wheels through the kitchen door, into the garage and down the homemade ramp with millimeters to spare.  Only one slightly pinched finger resulted.  This whole process took about ten minutes.  The first time we moved that piano was 1981.  We enlisted at least four big burly friends who heaved it up a flight of stairs and around a corner.  Youth had brawn but age has brains.

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