Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sorting, Tossing, Packing, Storing

Emptying the living room, dining room and kitchen was relatively smooth thanks to my mom who came for a few days to help and motivate!  What we did discover was that clearing the living room meant making a space for the furniture in the upstairs family room, which meant figuring out what to do with the old couch upstairs and the toys of yesteryear.  So, that lead to a purge of the shed.  Emptying the glassware and family collectibles from the dining room hutch meant finding a space in an empty (empty?) bedroom out of harm's way.  Moving the kitchen to the garage meant cleaning out the garage, and so you get the point.  The more we worked to pack the worse things got!  Finally, it was down to a few stray boxes and an empty living space.

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